
     Everyone knows a guy like Daniel, the Asian American who has the brightest future out of anyone in his high school class, except he isn’t that guy that everyone knows.  He's a delivery boy at a Chinese restaurant and instead of confronting his problems (boss, chef, girl) he writes them in his journals.  Mr. Lee, his boss has a gambling problem, which is starting to affect day in and day out functions of the restaurant.  The chefs aren't making life easier for Daniel either, especially since he was unwillingly made temp manager.  Then, one night, a rare, after hours delivery puts Daniel at the doorsteps of Gary’s house, his best friend who he hasn't seen since high school.  Also there, is Sarah, the girl he loved, but never told. With Sarah’s birthday party coming up at the end of the week, they insist on Daniel’s attendance. Trying to come up with an excuse to get out of attending and in a moment of insecurity, Daniel lies about owning the Chinese restaurant; thus too busy to attend. As he struggles with his own identity and the lies he allows to surround him, he tries to take an active interest in turning some of those lies into truths. He begins to learn to cook. Unbeknownst to Daniel; Gary and Sarah plan to hold the party after hours at Daniel’s restaurant as a surprise. The party is just about to get started, when two thuggish men employed by the people Mr. Lee owe money to, come looking for the owner of the restaurant.

it's the delivery, the production

Student narrative short film (completion date: 1/2009)
TRT: 35 min
Source format: HD 16x9
Language:  English (Chinese subtitles available)
Director:  Jay Chern
School:  Taipei National University of the Arts, Graduate School of Filmmaking
Production Location:  Texas, USA

(left: Emily Ghamrawi as Lucy)